LIMITED ARTISANAL PRODUCTION - Zahara is obtained from the olives “Tonda Iblea”, heritage and stunning variety that belongs uniquely to this territory. Guccione follows a traditional artisanal method passed along for generations. The olives are delicately picked by hand from secular trees and processed into oil within hours after harvest in the family mill. The cold pressing technique brings out the most intense flavor of the olives and maximum benefit.
THE MAXIMUM EXPRESSION OF SICILIAN OIL - Zahara is an exceptionally tasty, full bodied and balanced extra virgin olive oil rich in Polyphenols (Antioxidants) and Vitamins, with low acidity, characterized by marked notes of tomato and tomato leaf, mediterranean herbs, thistle, nettle and white pepper. In the kitchen Zahara matches with cooked and raw vegetables, tomato Caprese, Sicilian orange salad, legumes soups, grilled meat and fish.
THE PERFECT FOOD GIFT - Zahara is the perfect gift for all foodies. Each bottle of Zahara EVOO is a very special and unique masterpiece that embodies the tradition, scent and colors of the beautiful territory it comes from. Its design is an homage to the history of Sicily and was granted important food packaging design awards.
Zahara has been recognized as one of the top products in Italy. It has received the prestigious Gambero Rosso award for four consecutive years, earning the highest recognition for olive oils. Additionally, it has been honored by various gourmet food organizations and magazines such as Gambero Rosso, Slow Food, and Der Feinshmecker.
PREMIUM PRODUCT OF SICILY - since 1966 Oleificio Guccione produces fine olive oil in Chiaramonte Gulfi, a small baroque village in the heart of the Iblei Mountains in the South-Eastern part of Sicily, considered the best area on the island for the production of the highest quality olive oil with polyphenol levels at 400mg/kg on average and low acidity of less than 0.2%.